School card for regular bus routes
Make your daily school bus journeys easier
Prices varydepending on distance
- Valid for a daily return trip during the school term
- Price varies depending on distance travelled
- Financing assistance available
Ile-de-France Mobilités finances a large part of the costs of school transport and sets the price of the regular routes school bus card, which varies according to the distance travelled.
Some départements, and other communities, help families finance these tickets. Ask your local transporter the cost of your regular bus school card:
- Yvelines (78),
- Essonne (91), section “Les transports scolaires »,
- Val-de-Marne (94),
- Val d’Oise (95).
Can I benefit?
The conditions are as follows:
- Live in Ile-de-France: only one home address can be used.
- Be under 21 years old on 1 September of the school year when registering.
- Be in primary or secondary education or an apprenticeship preparation class and be educated in a public or private establishment and under an association contract.
- Be educated with the status of day pupil or half-boarder.
- Live three kilometres or more from the school.

How to get it
The ticket is issued by OPTILE member companies operating suburban bus networks.
Application forms can be collected from OPTILE ticket offices or downloaded from the Optile website.